Tile and grout cleaning Pest control Carpet/upholstery cleaning

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Tile and grout cleaning Pest control Carpet/upholstery cleaning
  • Tile and grout cleaning
  • Pest control
  • Carpet/upholstery cleaning
Tile and grout cleaning: most of us tend to lift our game a little around the house when we are expecting visitors, the spare room gets a spring clean, the pantry gets sorted out, even the windows get some extra attention.

Have you ever noticed when you move the big rug on the family room floor that the tiles underneath are a lot lighter and brighter? Once you realise that the dirt, grime etc. have built up across the rest of the room you then see how dirty the grout really is or just how dull things look.

Last minute phone calls to get a quality tile and grout cleaner can prove most difficult, right now is the perfect time to book ahead and get Steve from Shipshape Services to secure a time for your tile and grout clean, don’t miss out call now on 0400832374 and get your home in Shipshape condition.

When cleaning your floors Steve from Shipshape Services uses a Prochem truckmount machine, some advantages of using a truckmount manchine is the hot water steam extraction, better suction, fast drying, sanitises and kills bacteria, dust mites and allergens. Pest control: Yet again this is another thing we put off, you might see a cockroach or the odd spider web and think, I’ll get on to that closer to Christmas or I couldn’t be bothered right now I’ll wait until I’m on holidays. But by then you might be finding it difficult to get someone to come straight away, book in your pest control now, be organised for the festive season, get in before the kids are home for school holidays. Call Steve from Shipshape Services 0400832374 for a professional fully licensed pest control treatment for your home.

Carpet Cleaning/Upholstery Cleaning: I know how you feel when you are getting ready for guests and pull the bed out to vacuum only to realise that you are way overdue for a carpet clean, you then throw your eyes on to the carpet in the lounge room and see that the floor has seen better days, don’t even look at the lounge suite because it has been the preferred dining area for the last month! From dirty feet & body oils to last night’s curry that lounge needs a little TLC, call Steve from Shipshape Services to get that carpet and upholstery cleaned and sanitised now, book ahead for when you have some time but get it organised before it gets in too deep and ruins the fabric.

When cleaning your floors Steve from Shipshape Services uses a Prochem truckmount machine, some advantages of using a truckmount manchine is the hot water steam extraction, better suction, fast drying, sanitises and kills bacteria, dust mites and allergens.

Carpet Cleaning

Watch Shipshaper services in action steam cleaning black lounge room carpet.

Rug Cleaning.


Steam Cleaning Kitchen Tiles.

Carpet Cleaning Caloundra

Professional Cleaning Services in Sunshine Coast

Contact Steve for a free quote.