Steve is a fully licenced professional Pest Management Technician and can inspect your home and or office to give you advice on how to keep a pest free environment.
No one wants to live with these creepy crawlies; they are a huge pest and can carry many diseases but mostly known for spreading different types of food poisoning.
There are a few things homes owners can do to reduce and prevent infestations.
- Always properly clean food preparation areas.
- Do not leave plates and scraps around.
- Use airtight containers to store food correctly.
- Rinse out cans, bottles etc.
- Empty bins regularly.
- Seal areas where they could harbour.
- Remove standing liquids from buckets and sinks.
- Remove pet food at night time.
- Remove excess newspapers, magazines, cardboard etc.
Eight legs too many!
They may be smaller than us but they sure know how to give us a fright but just like us they become more active as the weather gets warmer.
Spiders love wood piles, mulch, back of cupboards and large furniture, so make sure you keep these areas regularly cleaned up or vacuumed.
Give Steve at Shipshape Services a call to have a chat about controlling these unpredictable and mostly unloved guests!
Well ants drive us crazy, they are a remarkable species and are mostly attracted to sweet and sticky food sources, so yet again keep things wiped clean and in properly sealed containers.
Ant colonies can hold up to half a million ants and if they feel threatened they can move on very quickly to build another nest.
Call Steve to discuss the best method to move those ants out!
Make sure you check out new blogs and learn the best way to deal with Silver Fish, Rodents and Fleas.